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Office Sanitization and Disinfection

Create a cleaner, safer work environment with office sanitizers and disinfectants

Solutions for Office Sanitization & Safety

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces as a way to protect against coronavirus infection.Consistent use of disinfectants stops the spread of germs and lowers the risk of infection. Knowing the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting is important. 

With solutions for both foodservice areas and general disinfecting, you can be sure to have the right tool for the job.

An Easy Dilution Solution

The JAWS solution allows any employee to access cleaning product for a safer workplace.

  1. Add water to a JAWS sprayer bottle.
  2. Insert a JAWS cartridge.
  3. The concentrate releases into the water making 32 oz. of cleaner.

Refill. Reuse. Repeat. 

The Right Tools

JAWS Professional easy-to-use system puts cleaning at your fingertips. Employees can just grab a bottle and do a quick cleaning throughout the day. The small, refillable format allows for easy storage and access that will have your teams feeling safer at work.

Approved Sanitizers for Food Service

  • Ideal for sanitizing common areas like breakrooms and kitchens.
  • Reduces viruses and bacteria
  • Food contact safe

Designating a food service-specific sanitizer for areas around food preparation can ensure a safe break room experience.

Commercial Disinfectant Spray

  • Great for regular cleaning and disinfection of desk areas
  • EPA registered on list N, meeting criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19

These disinfectants have the strength to ensure complete removal of harmful germs.

Sanitization Program Details

  • Commercial-grade cleanser kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria. Closed system reduces the opportunity for chemicals to come in direct content with users. Eliminates dilution errors.
  • OHSA Compliant
  • Small format for easy storage
  • Recyclable, reusable spray bottle reduces trash. Chemical concentrate reduces carbon footprint in shipping.
    Reduces plastic waste by 95%. NO shipping water!

Explore More:

Coffee & Tea
Water & Ice


1Courtesy Eagle Hill Consulting survey, which included 1,000 respondents from a random sample of employees, was conducted from April 22-27, 2020

2Courtesy Harvard Business Review, May 28, 2020.